Bid Date: 2025-01-09

Project Description: The scope of work includes replacing steel truss members, bearings, gusset plates, etc., that have corrosion and section loss; fixing spalls and delamination in the concrete deck, abutments, bridge railings and column pedestals; cleaning and painting the steel members following the repairs; addressing scour deficiencies for the bridge foundations; removal and disposal of bridge sections and parts; cold planing and paving with asphalt and hybrid polymer concrete; management of contaminated materials; installation of pavement markings; installation of BMP measures for erosion control and hazardous materials; and traffic control.


Plans-FINAL PLANS BR 019 2 077.pdf


Other-BR 019 2 077 Nanue Bridge Lead Sampling Letter Report_20240821.pdf
Other-BR 019 2 077 Draft C_EHMP for Nanue Bridge 20240827.pdf
Specifications-FINAL SPECIFICATIONS w NTB BR 019 2 077.pdf

Addendum No. 1-FINAL ADDENDUM NO 1 BR 019 2 077.pdf