Bid Date: 2024-09-26

Project Description: Contractor shall completely prepare site for building operations, including demolition and removal of existing structures, and furnish labor and materials and perform work for 459-24-002 CFA Kitchen Renovation as required by drawings and specifications.


3 - 459-24-001 CFA Kitchen_IFC_Drawings.pdf


9 - Site Visit Map.pdf
8 - P07 WAGE DETERMINATION HI202400001 05.17.24.pdf
7 - Pre_Bid RFI.docx
6 - Attachment C_Contractor Certification RE Safety and EMR.docx
5 - Price Proposal Breakdown.pdf
4 - RFI FORM CFA Kitchen Renovation.docx
2 - 459-24-002 CFA Kitchen_IFC_Specifications.pdf
1 - 36C26124R0081.docx
