Bid Date: 2024-09-30

Project Description: Furnish Labor, Material, and Equipment for Fire Hydrant Replacement at Kalihi Valley Homes (AMP 31) on Oahu.


1 Site Map Fire Hydrant Plan and Specification.pdf


103D-1 General Conditions.pdf
Scope of Svcs_Fire_Hydrant_Replacement_KVH.pdf
3 Wage_Certificate_Fire_Hydrant_Replacement_KVH.pdf
2 water system standards 6 division 400 standard details.pdf

Quote Due Date Extension

Amendment 11.png

Amendment 10.png

Amendment 9.png

Amendment 8.png

Amendment 7.png

Amendment 6.png

Amendment 5.png

Amendment 4.png

Amendment 3.png

5a Specs Fire Hydrant Replacement.pdf

Addendum_No1_Scope of Svcs_Fire_Hydrant_Replacement_KVH.pdf

1a Site Map Fire Hydrant Plan and Specification revised.pdf